Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Actually Painted Miniatures: High Elves

Actually Painted Miniatures are posts where I show miniatures I painted "a while ago".

I fielded a High Elf army in several editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. The sad reality is that very few of the units were fully painted and based... and with WFB's sad demise it's an open question whether or when I'll finish the several "mostly painted" units I have. But I did get some things painted.

Here are some of the more heroic elements of the army:

An Elven King, a wood elf falcon rider sans rider standing in for a giant eagle, a dragon rider mounted on a giant eagle, a wizard, and an earth elemental (which never actually joined the army since the winds of magic appeared). Everything is citadel, and except the birds they're all lead.

I'm pretty sure they've achieved heroic deeds on the battlefield, but I mostly recall the times they fled off the table, blew themselves up, or otherwise failed to live up to their full Elven potential.

Skarloc's lot are another batch of old lead miniatures. Of course, even before GW killed off Warhammer Fantasy Battle it had been impossible to field Elf archers with shields for several editions - Wood, High, or Dark - it didn't matter.

There were a lot more of them in the box. Alas, I've lost the standard bearer along the way somewhere :(

Actually Painted Miniatures: Villains and Goblins!

Actually Painted Miniatures are posts where I show miniatures I painted "a while ago".

Here are four peasants (and their two wolfhounds) ready for trouble. Mostly they've served as innocent bystanders or easily disposable mooks in various rpgs.

"Come on boys, we'll show them!"

Similarly, these five lads (or lasses, hard to tell with goblins) have stood in for all manner of one or two hit-dice D&D humanoids over the years. The three on the round bases are individually based snotlings, while the other two are pewter citadel night goblins.

The cougar... I think it's an ancient Citadel mini, but I'm not sure.

"Rawr! We're not afraid of ANYTHING (until it fights back, at least)."

Thursday, December 13, 2018

A Couple of Chaos Warriors

It looks like Slaanesh is about to make a reappearance in Age of Sigmar (and 40K), so I finished up a couple of Chaos Warriors I started a while ago. In theory, they were colour scheme tests for the old metal Chaos Warriors I have lying around - trying to find a quick and dirty technique that'd still do them justice.

Instead, I think my conclusion is that I'll paint each one of them individually whenever the mood strikes me.

Anyhow, here they are:

The fellow on the left is clearly a Slaanesh devotee, as indicated by the pink gloves and boots. The other chap is more generic, black and gold - but I see no reason he can't be Slaaneshi as well. Everyone likes to have a good time, right?

Whoever lives in that hovel is not in for a good time, I reckon.

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Two Sisters of Sacred Justice

In honour of the upcoming Sisters beta-dex in Chapter Approved 2018, I painted two - as of yet unnamed - Seraphim.

From the front...
... and from the back.

I'm pretty happy with the paint scheme and paint job (table top quality, as they say), with one exception: it took me a long time to paint them. It could be a long while before I have anything like an actual painted army, especially once the new plastic sisters hit.